Insurer-Customer Interface in the Digital Age

There are many ways for insurance companies to use digital tools to enhance their relationships with customers. They can, for example, adapt their websites; gather insights to create customised products; and use digital media to make dense documentation more comprehensible.

Professor Shlomo Benartzi of UCLA's Behavioral Decision-making Group elaborates in an interview conducted at the 2019 General Assembly in Buenos Aires


2019年ジュネーブ協会エルンスト・マイヤー賞(2019 Geneva Association Ernst Meyer Prize)はゲーテ大学(Goethe University)(フランクフルト)クリスチャン・クビッツァの論文、「金融の安定性と市場に関する小論文(Essays on Financial Stability and Markets)」と、エコール・ポリテクニーク(Ecole Polytechnique)(パリ)アレクシス・ルーアスの論文、「破滅的リスクの保険引受能力(Insurability of Catastrophic Risks)」に授与されました。

Geneva Association Ernst Meyer Prize嘉奖为保险业关键问题做出的学术贡献

歌德大学(Goethe University)(法兰克福)的Christian Kubitza(因其题为《金融稳定与市场文集》(Essays on Financial Stability and Markets)的论文)和Ecole Polytechnique(巴黎)的Alexis Louass(因其题为《灾难性风险可保性》(Insurability of Catastrophic Risks)的论文)获得了2019 Geneva Association Ernst Meyer Prize(日内瓦协会厄恩斯特-迈耶奖)。

Geneva Association Ernst Meyer Prize 2019 Recognizes Academic Contributions to Key Issues Facing Insurance Industry

The 2019 Geneva Association Ernst Meyer Prize has been granted to Christian Kubitza of Goethe University (Frankfurt) for his thesis, Essays on Financial Stability and Insurance Markets, and to Alexis Louass of Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) for his thesis, Insurability of Catastrophic Risks.

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