Addressing Obstacles to Life Insurance Demand

The relevance of life insurance in many mature markets has experienced an unambiguous decline in recent decades. It is a worrying trend for society at large, given its historical contributions to funding for retirement and mitigating biometric risks.
Based on the recent Geneva Association Customer Survey, this report sheds light on the drivers behind declining levels of life insurance penetration, such as ultra-loose monetary policies, behavioural patterns and perceived product shortcomings.

COVID-19 conversations: technology is moving the needle in addressing the pandemic

Crises like the COVID-19 pandemic typically accelerate the innovative use of new technologies and data, and we are indeed seeing this happening right now.

Isabelle Flückiger, Director New Technologies & Data, illustrates how technology is moving the needle in addressing the COVID-19 crisis, and there are 'implications to watch' for liability and insurability.

COVID-19 conversations: a message from Jad Ariss, Managing Director

Our thoughts are with those who have lost a loved one to COVID-19, with those who are infected and are suffering from it, as well as with all the medical staff – doctors, nurses – who are fighting so courageously, sometimes at the expense of their own health.

Our thoughts are also with all the people who continue to be working on the ground to make sure that our societies continue to function and that people’s basic needs are being met.

In this time of great uncertainty, insurance companies worldwide are fully mobilised to support their customers.

COVID-19 conversations: the health & ageing dimension

COVID-19 is affecting health at multiple levels, beyond the direct effects of infection.

Adrita Bhattacharya-Craven, Director Health & Ageing, discusses how the insurance industry can help society cope with the realities and aftermath of the pandemic.

This is the second video in our series #COVID19conversations #GAHomeOffice2020.

Insurance Business: The Geneva Association highlights the role of collaboration between cyber insurers

When it comes to insuring cyber risks, what is categorised as cyber and what the insurance market covers and faces in terms of risk and opportunities is changing at lightning speed, making collaboration increasingly important.

Cross-sectoral collaboration on cyber also promotes a better understanding of cyber by insurers, with benefits for the industry and society alike.

Insurance Business discussed the role of collaboration in cyber insurance, and the GA's initiatives to drive cooperation, with Rachel Anne Carter, Director Cyber.

Remembering Orio Giarini, founding Secretary General of The Geneva Association

The Geneva Association mourns the passing of Orio Giarini, Secretary General of our organisation from 1973–2000, who died on Friday, 28 February 2020 in Trieste, Italy at the age of 84.

Orio will be remembered as a passionate and energetic leader and thinker, full of forward-looking ideas on the role of insurance in the economy and society and sustainable development. It was he who conceived, together with Fabio Padoa Schioppa, Raymond Barre and a small group of insurance executives, to establish The Geneva Association as a think tank devoted to the study of risks and insurance.

Promoting Responsible Artifical Intelligence in Insurance

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in insurance can bring economic and societal benefits by lowering insurance costs and helping insure more people. The Geneva Association analysed a selection of the many ethics guidelines issued by governmental and non-governmental organisations and private companies. Of the five core principles for the responsible use of AI identified, this report takes a close look at two—1) transparency and explainability and 2) fairness—that are particularly complex for insurers to interpret and implement.

Investing in climate-resilient decarbonised infrastructure to meet socio-economic and climate change goals

Infrastructure resilience is critical for countries to be able to cope with the effects of climate change, but sufficient investment is required. This research brief urges coordination among insurers as risk managers and investors, governments and other stakeholders in tackling the global infrastructure challenge.

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