The Geneva Papers

The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice is the flagship journal of The Geneva Association, focused on topics of current interest in the field of insurance economics. The journal was founded in 1976 to publish research that bridges the gap between academics and insurance professionals and improve the scientific knowledge of the insurance industry.

Journal Metrics

  • Impact factor 2023: 2.0
  • 2023 Downloads: 384,131
  • 2022 Scopus CiteScore: 3.1
  • SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.41

Further information

Visit the publisher's website.

Open calls

The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review



The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review is a refereed journal published by Palgrave Macmillan in annual volumes of two issues (March and September). It targets academics and university scholars in economics, with the purpose of supporting and encouraging research in the economics of risk, uncertainty, insurance and related institutions by providing a forum for the scholarly exchange of findings and opinions.

For more information or to submit an article, or to view all past volumes and issues, visit the Springer Link website.

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