Member CEO Forum 2020 | Summary

The Geneva Association CEOs’ Forum, held on 15 September 2020, brought member CEOs together in a virtual setting for the first time in the Association’s history.

Like many industries, insurance underwent a ‘trial by fire’ with the disruption brought on by COVID-19. Insurers moved quickly to protect their employees, proactively support their customers – further digitising their operations to provide uninterrupted service – and to engage with governments on joint responses and collaborative efforts.

The Geneva Papers: Special issue on Cyber Risks and Insurance | Summary

Cyber risk is one of the most pertinent global threats facing the world today. With firms’ and individuals’ reliance on technology only set to increase, the frequency and severity of cyber incidents is likely to rise in turn. The cyber insurance market is set to undergo significant growth in the coming years, accelerated by increasing levels of liability and data protection regulation.

In the pandemic, insurers can absorb customer health and life claims, but not business losses from lockdown measures

An Investigation into the Insurability of Pandemic Risk

- Life and health risks for pandemics similar to COVID-19 are insurable: they are generally non-systemic and modellable.

- Property & casualty (P&C) insurers, on the other hand, would have to collect business interruption policy premiums for 150 years to make up for projected global output losses in 2020 related to COVID-19.

An Investigation into the Insurability of Pandemic Risk

This first report in our research series on pandemics and insurance explores, in number terms, the capacities of insurers to absorb pandemic-related costs. Encouragingly, research findings indicate that pandemics on the scale of, and similarly lethal to, COVID-19 pose no fundamental insurability challenges for health and life insurers. In the commercial insurance arena, however, the uncontrollable aggregation and correlation elements of pandemic risk defy insurability.

Joining forces to increase societal resilience | Webinar recording

Presenters in this #RiskConversations webinar, held 22 September 2020, expounded two key takeaways of The Geneva Association’s report, The Role of Insurance in Mitigating Social Inequality:

1) Specific types of insurance cover, existing and emerging, mitigate the risks of impoverishment and/or contribute to more stable levels of wealth and income.

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