Building Flood Resilience in a Changing Climate: Insights from the United States, England and Germany

Based on a major Geneva Association study on flood risk management in mature economies, this report gives an overview of the current systems in the United States, England and Germany. It finds that the need to build resilience to floods is recognised as a priority in all three countries but that the approach often remains reactive, rather than anticipatory, in reality. It also offers recommendations for governments, insurers, businesses and households to improve flood risk management systems in light of the changing risk landscape.

Annual Report 2019

An overview of our research and convening activities in 2019, as well as updates on the Geneva Association team and new initiatives.

COVID-19 has triggered a full paradigm shift across societies, economies and populations as well as in geopolitics. The full consequences are still unknown.

Will the world move towards more multilateral cooperation, recognising that global risks like pandemics and climate change require global responses? Or will COVID-19 accelerate unilateralism as people look to their own governments to take action?

Interview with Garance Wattez-Richard, winner of the 2020 Women in Insurance Award

Garance Wattez-Richard, CEO AXA Emerging Customers and winner of the 2020 Women in Insurance Award, talks about the work of her team to protect the emerging middle class in developing and mature markets alike; how they will respond to the new challenges of COVID-19; and tips for women working in industries like insurance, where they are under-represented at senior levels.

Assessing Digital Risks – Cyber Insurance on the Rise | CYBERSEC Forum 2019

Rachel Anne Carter, Director Cyber, moderates the panel discussion, Assessing Digital Risk – Cyber Insurance on the Rise, at the 2nd CYBERSEC Brussels Leaders' Foresight Forum.


Paweł Surówka – President of the Management Board, PZU

Steve Purser – Head of Core Operations, ENISA

Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award goes to AXA’s Garance Wattez-Richard

Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award presented to AXA’s Garance Wattez-Richard for inclusive insurance initiatives that protect underserved populations

New annual award celebrates women insurance leaders whose work positively impacts society and contributes to making insurance a force for good

COVID-19 conversations: The post-COVID-19 risk landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic, even after we overcome it, will have lasting effects on people, businesses and governments across the globe.

Kai-Uwe Schanz, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Research & Foresight, anticipates that the post-COVID-19 risk landscape will probably more digital than physical and more local than global. In all likelihood, resilience, rather than short-term economic gain, will drive public and private policy agendas.

This is the fifth video in our series #COVID19conversations #GAHomeOffice2020.

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