Joint GA/IIF Response to FSB Consultation on Recovery and Resolution Planning for Systemically Important Insurers

The Geneva Association and the Institute of International Finance (IIF) response to the Financial Stability Board's consultation on the Guidance on Identification of Critical Functions and Critical Shared Services for the Recovery and Resolution Planning for Systemically Important Insurers, dated 16 October 2014.

Joint GA/IIF Joint Response to IAIS consultation on Higher Loss Absorbency capacity for G-SIIs consultation, 25 June 2015

The Institute of International Finance (IIF) and The Geneva Association respond to the IAIS consultation on the Higher Loss Absorbancy (HLA) capacity for Global Systemically Important Insurers (G-SIIs), 25 June 2015.

U.S. and Japan Life Insurers Insolvencies Case Studies

This report presents case studies including three U.S. and eight Japanese life insurance insolvencies. The main objective in examining these cases is to identify the best practices for ensuring smooth, non-disruptive resolutions, with a focus on policyholder protection and the overall stability of financial markets and economies.

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