Research on potential of insurance to counter climate change wins 2019 Shin Research Excellence Award

The Geneva Association and the International Insurance Society announced today that Alexander Braun, Sebastian Utz and Jiahua Xu, hailing from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, have won the Shin Research Excellence Award for their paper Are Insurance Balance Sheets Carbon-Neutral? Harnessing Asset Pricing for Climate-Change Policy.

The Geneva Papers: Special Issue on Long-term Care Financing and Insurance

The financial risk of facing the costs associated with future needs for long-term care (LTC) is still largely underinsured. In fact, the cost of LTC can even be catastrophic, resulting in ruin for a number of elderly people and their families. Financing LTC risk is therefore becoming a pressing issue for many countries confronted with an ageing population and growing LTC needs.

Healthcare protection gaps in emerging markets: An opportunity for health insurers to serve the most vulnerable

The report ‘Healthcare in Emerging Markets: Exploring the Protection Gaps’ analyses the health protection gap as out-of-pocket spending that is financially stressful for households. The Geneva Association estimates the annual health protection gap in emerging markets at about USD 310 billion, or approximately 1% of these countries’ aggregate gross domestic product.

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