Insuring Hostile Cyber Activity: In search of sustainable solutions

State-sponsored cyberattacks that stop short of outright military conflict, otherwise known as hostile cyber activity (HCA), pose a threat to insurability due to the scale of potential accumulated losses. This third and final report in our series on cyber terrorism and cyber war examines in detail the ability of the private re/insurance sector to underwrite HCA risks and the role that public-private partnerships can play in fostering effective solutions.


Future Urban Risk Landscapes and the Role of Insurance | Webinar recording

The world’s population is growing, and that growth is essentially centred in cities. Though they bring huge economic and social benefits, cities are also exposed to an exponential rise in risks: climate change threatens to bring more extreme weather events; human density accelerates the speed at which infectious diseases spread; and social inequality can exacerbate the risks of social unrest and crime. How will cities cope with this evolving risk landscape and how can insurers contribute to managing future urban risks?

The Geneva Papers: Special issue on Trust in Insurance | Summary

Insurance relationships are fundamentally built on trust between insurers and their customers. Customers trust that insurers will act in ways that ensure their solvency and that they will promptly pay claims when they are due; insurers in turn trust that policyholders will make sure to minimise their risk after signing a policy and that any claims they make will be genuine. Certain shifts such as digitalisation, however, may pose a threat to customer trust as concerns around data privacy, misuse of information and bias or discrimination arise.

Digital Entrepreneurship and the Supportive Role of Insurance | Webinar recording

The scale and pace of digitalisation is fundamentally changing the risk profile of businesses, mainly linked to the shift towards intangible assets for value creation among digital firms. Many of these intangible assets remain uninsured, leaving digital entrepreneurs and start-ups vulnerable to emerging risks and liabilities. This presents both challenges and opportunities for the insurance industry.

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