Future Urban Risk Landscapes: An insurance perspective

By 2050, more than two thirds of the world's population is projected to live in cities. Urbanisation is associated with fundamental socio-economic changes that present formidable challenges to socio-economic resilience and have significant risk management and insurance implications. This report explores the link between urbanisation and the dynamics of risk landscapes and examines insurers’ potential contribution to mitigating emerging vulnerabilities.


Future-Proofing Technological Innovations for a Resilient Net-Zero Economy | Recording

The world has big expectations for COP26 in November, and we geared up for this pivotal dialogue in partnership with the OECD. 'Future-Proofing Technological Innovations for a Resilient Net-Zero Economy' explored the new technologies and systems needed to achieve net-zero targets and the role of insurers in de-risking and financing the transition.

For this special, high-level conference we were honoured to welcome the following speakers:

Digital Entrepreneurship and the Supportive Role of Insurance

Digital technologies are transforming the way businesses are formed and operate and providing digital entrepreneurs with new business opportunities. However, the shift towards intangible assets also comes with new risks and liability exposures.
This report explores how insurers are adapting their services to better meet the needs of digital entrepreneurs, as well as possible avenues for future insurance innovation.


Climate Change & Environment Conference 2021 | Recording

The 2021 Climate Change and Environment Conference, titled 'Environmental Risks and the Insurance Industry: Stepping up actions', was held virtually on 23 June 2021.

The event explored the many implications of environmental risks for re/insurers as risk managers and investors: impacts on their businesses, how they can incentivise environmentally sustainable behaviours and business models – taking into account the transition to net zero – and raise societal awareness. 

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