Annual Report 2021

In 2021 The Geneva Association welcomed a new Chairman, Christian Mumenthaler (CEO of Swiss Re) and Vice Chairman, Yuan Siong Lee (Group Chief Executive & President of AIA). Our programming enjoyed a partial 'return to normal' with two in-person events: our General Assembly in Zurich and Evolving Liability Conference in London.

Other highlights included:

Presenting the nominees for our 2022 Women in Insurance Award

Congratulations to all the 2022 nominees for the Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award! These outstanding female leaders – nominated for achievements in climate change & environment, health, innovation, inclusive insurance or diversity, equity & inclusion – are a great demonstration of insurance’s progress toward gender balance at the senior management level.
The 2022 award winner will be announced on 12 May!

The Geneva Association’s 2022 Women in Insurance Award goes to Anne Fortin of Intact Financial Corporation for successful innovations to better serve insurance customers

The annual award celebrates women insurance leaders whose work positively impacts society and contributes to making insurance a force for good

ZURICH, 12 MAY 2022 – The Geneva Association is pleased to announce the winner of the 2022 Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award: Anne Fortin, Executive Vice President, Direct Distribution and Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Intact Financial Corporation (IFC).

Gig Economy Work: Mind the protection gaps

The gig economy offers benefits for both workers and consumers. However, compared to traditional employees, gig workers are more exposed to risks such as loss of income, out-of-pocket medical expenses, underprovision for retirement and professional liability. This report examines the nature and scale of the protection gaps facing gig workers and explores how insurers, policymakers and digital labour platforms can work to provide innovative solutions that will mitigate risk exposures and make this new way of working more secure and sustainable.


Statement of support for the people of Ukraine

Like so many of you, I am horrified by Russia’s brutal attack on Ukraine, a sovereign country – the first such attack on European soil since World War II. And I am gutted by the senseless tragedy unfolding there and loss of innocent lives. I express my deepest sympathy to the Ukrainian people: those who have lost loved ones, those who are injured, those who are fighting so bravely to defend their country, those who are fleeing or hiding to escape Russian bombs.

Insurance and Retirement Income

Government-supported social retirement plans (Pillar I) are under extreme financial pressure due increased life expectancies and low fertility rates. Individuals are compelled to provide for themselves a suitable retirement through occupational pensions (Pillar II) and personal savings (Pillar III). The insurance industry can help as it is the only industry that accepts longevity risk as a core business, and is a long-term provider of lifetime annuities—an insurance that a person will not outlive their retirement savings.

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