A Matter of Style

 Article from Health and Ageing 32. Florian Boeker reviews lifestyle risk trends and their dynamic and varied impact on life and health re/insurance. 

Joint GA/IIF Response to the FSB consultation on Developing Effective Resolution Strategies and Plans for Systemically Important Insurers

The Geneva Association (GA) and the Institute of International Finance (IIF) are pleased to submit our joint response to the FSB’s Consultative Document (CD) on “Developing Effective Resolution Strategies and Plans or Systemically Important Insurers” which was released on 3 November 2015. Our response reflects a joint effort of the members of our organizations.

Facts Versus Sentiment: Deals in the Insurance Sector

Special Issue January 2016

Facts Versus Sentiment: Deals in the Insurance Sector by Mark Wilson

Over my more than a quarter of a century in the insurance sector, I have bought dozens of companies and sold dozens of companies. One lesson I have learned is this: the deals that work are the deals that make strategic and financial sense. Strategy is only a method or way to a financial outcome. Deals must be underpinned by financials or they will and do fail. Take Aviva in 2011—weak on strategy, a weaker balance sheet than our peers and with a predilection for flag planting.

What is the Logic Behind Consolidation? And Does it Create Value? A View from the Outside

Special Issue January 2016

What is the Logic Behind Consolidation? And Does it Create Value? A View from the Outside by Brian Shea

Looking at deal volume in the global insurance sector, 2015 was off the charts. In this article we address two issues:

  • The drivers of this consolidation—past, present and future.
  • Does this activity create value?



Insurance Sector Investments and Their Impact on Financial Stability

This report is the latest in a series of Geneva Association white papers initiated in 2009 that contribute a fact-based analysis for the global discussions on insurance and financial stability. This report uses empirical evidence to examine whether potentially procyclical behaviour alleged to come from the insurance industry in market downturns could be systemically relevant.

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