The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review

The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review is a refereed journal published by Palgrave Macmillan in annual volumes of two issues (March and September). It targets academics and university scholars in economics, with the purpose of supporting and encouraging research in the economics of risk, uncertainty, insurance and related institutions by providing a forum for the scholarly exchange of findings and opinions.


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The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice

Founded by The Geneva Association in 1976, The Geneva Papers is a refereed journal published quarterly by Palgrave Macmillan. It aims at improving the scientific knowledge of the insurance industry, and bridging the gap between academics and insurance professionals, and stimulating constructive dialogue between the industry and its economic and social partners.


To access current volumes, please log in to the Member's Area.

Fact Sheet: The Public Pensions Crisis in the U.S.

The threat of bankruptcy or other type of fiscal disruption

State and local retirement systems in the U.S. face a shortfall of more than a trillion dollars. The majority of states (34) have pension funding levels below 80 per cent. The states with the worst pension funding situation are  Connecticut, Ilinois, Kentucky and Rhode Island, all below 55 per cent. This situation threatens the financial viability of many municipalities, with Detroit already declared bankrupt in 2013.

Policy choices and fiscal discipline

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