Joint GA/IIF Response to IAIS Consultation on G-SII and NTNI

We appreciate that the IAIS is giving stakeholders the opportunity to provide their views on a wide range of issues concerning systemic risk and systemic assessments. We are committed to continuing to work with the IAIS and other stakeholders in order to develop an effective systemic risk framework that is sensitive to the features of insurance, including its long-term, premiums-funded character

Dr Maryam Golnaraghi discusses An Integrated Approach to Managing Extreme Events and Climate Risks

Dr Maryam Golnaraghi discusses An Integrated Approach to Managing Extreme Events and Climate Risks. This report provides insights about climate-related mounting social and economic risks, analyses obstacles to the insurance industry’s contribution and makes recommendations on how to overcome some of these hurdles.

Read the full report:

Competition in Private Health Insurance in Germany: Models for Transferable Ageing Provisions

1 FINANCIAL SBILITY AT ION NEWSLETTER HEALTH AND AGEING No. 33 October 2015 Competition in Private Health Insurance in Germany: Models for Transferable Ageing Provisions by Anke Walendzik,+ Florian Buchner++ and Jürgen Wasem+ Background Premiums paid by the insured have various functions and components in health insurance (Cochrane, 1995). They should cover short-term health costs, but also the risk of worsening health conditions. And they should be embedded in a system which allows switching of insurers to allow for competition.

U.S. Insurance Exchanges and Senior Consumers

1 FINANCIAL SBILITY AT ION NEWSLETTER HEALTH AND AGEING U.S. Insurance Exchanges and Senior Consumers by Steve Woods+ and Marcy Updike++ With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in 2010, Americans were introduced to a relatively new way to purchase health insurance, the online exchange. By “exchange,” for the purpose of this article, we mean a virtual shopping area in which individuals or employees of a company can research and then purchase an insurance product online that best suits their individual needs.


1 FINANCIAL SBILITY AT ION NEWSLETTER HEALTH AND AGEING Editorial by Christophe Courbage It is my pleasure to introduce this new issue of the Health and Ageing newsletter of The Geneva Association. Not only does it bring to readers various contributions linked to the topics of health and ageing as related to insurance, but it also presents some important future activities of the Health and Ageing research programme. Two of them deserve special attention. The first activity is the forthcoming Health and Ageing conference of The Geneva Association, the 12 th in its annual conference series.

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