Press Release: Harnessing Technology to Narrow the Insurance Protection Gap

Leading think tank of the international insurance industry, The Geneva Association has published a new report that describes how digital and other modern technologies can be harnessed by the insurance industry to narrow insurance protection gaps in mature, and especially in developing insurance markets, by enhancing the awareness, affordability and attractiveness of insurance products and solutions.

Press Release: Geneva Association calls for Integrated Approach to Managing Extreme Events and Climate Risks

  • Disaster loss events are on the rise. Of those 91% were caused by weather-related extremes (1980-2015).  These weather–related extremes caused the loss of more than 600,000 lives and more than USD 3 trillion in total economic losses
  • Detailed independent analysis and research shows that countries with a robust penetration of market-based disaster insurance coverage recover faster from the financial impacts of extreme events
  • (Re)insurance has become a key element of UN and governmental strategic disaster risk reduction efforts (e.g.

Press Release: The Stakeholder Landscape in Extreme Events and Climate Risk Management

This release announces the Stakeholder engagment map which graphically illustrates the patterns of stakeholder engagement in the international framework agreements related to disaster risk reduction, climate change and sustainable development over the last five decades. It also displays the complex stakeholder landscape and multi-stakeholder initiatives in extreme events and climate risk management over the last decade and describes the major developments in expanding risk transfer and insurance.

GA and NTU Singapore Sign Cyber Research Collaboration

JOINT PRESS RELEASE The Geneva Association and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore collaborate in cyber risk insurance research (Zurich/Singapore, 26 September 2016) Leading international insurance think tank The Geneva Association and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) will jointly collaborate in cyber risk insurance research.

The Geneva Association Restates its Commitment on International Efforts to Address Climate Risk

On the eve of the COP21 in December 2015, 68 CEOs of (re)insurance companies signed The Geneva Assocation's Climate Statement, reaffirming their commitment to support the three international frameworks adopted by the member states in 2015, namely (i) the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030), (ii) the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and (iii) the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. 

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