Issue Brief: The Nature and Role of Capital in Insurance

Insurance at its core is about accepting and pooling risks in a measured and controlled way. In a new report, The Geneva Association explains the role of capital in insurance as a key metric used to better understand, quantify and manage risk-taking in the insurance business. In doing so, insurance companies are able to protect individuals as well as small businesses and large corporations against the financial consequences of risk.

13th Health & Ageing Conference Review: Underserved consumers - Insurance solutions to close the health and longevity protection gap

The Geneva Association’s 2016 Health and Ageing Conference addressed the protection gaps that exist in the longevity and health markets. Governments, focused on near-term macro-economic issues and fearful of the political implications of reforming failing retirement and healthcare policies are not adequately addressing these growing crises. The private sector has mobilised to fill this gap but the shortfalls and the opportunity they represent remain enormous.

Press Release: The Geneva Association Awards its 2017 Research Grant on Digitalisation

The Geneva Association, the leasing international think tank of the insurance industry, is pleased to announce that the winner of its 2017 Research Grant is Ms Susana Vasserman for her Doctoral research proposal on Digitialisation in Insurance. Ms Vasserman is a graduate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is currently a Ph.D candidate in Economics at Harvard University in the U.S..

Press Release: Harnessing Technology to Narrow the Insurance Protection Gap

Leading think tank of the international insurance industry, The Geneva Association has published a new report that describes how digital and other modern technologies can be harnessed by the insurance industry to narrow insurance protection gaps in mature, and especially in developing insurance markets, by enhancing the awareness, affordability and attractiveness of insurance products and solutions.

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