This off-the-record event was a unique opportunity to engage in discussions on key issues that are shaping the future of risk management.
Opening remarks by Lee Yuan Siong, Geneva Association Chairman and Group CEO & President of AIA Group
Introduction by Jad Ariss, Managing Director
Climate risks and how extreme weather events are impacting the availability and affordability of insurance – Maryam Golnaraghi, Director Climate Change & Environment
Risks and opportunities for insurers related to increased longevity and the growing misalignment between health, wealth and life spans – Adrita Bhattacharya-Craven, Director Health & Demography
The growing incidence of cyberattacks – and looming threat of an unprecedented, extreme cyber event – and how insurers are responding – Darren Pain, Director Cyber
Insurance inclusion gaps and how the industry can better cater to underserved populations – Kai-Uwe Schanz, Head of Research & Foresight
Moderated by Pamela Corn, Director Communications