Low interest rates a complex but manageable headwind for life insurers

Daniel Hofmann, Senior Advisor on Insurance Economics at The Geneva Association and principal author of the paper, "The 'Low for Long" Challenge,” discusses the societal impact of low interest rates, and the obstacles this raises for the life insurance industry.

Read the full report: The 'Low for Long' Challenge: Socio-economic implications and the life insurance industry's response

Reduced guarantees on retirement products could become a societal issue

Anna Maria D'Hulster, Secretary General of The Geneva Association, discusses the implications of prolonged low interest rates and the key findings of the new report, "The 'Low for Long' Challenge: Socio-economic implications and the life insurance industry's response'.

Read the full report: The 'Low for Long' Challenge: Socio-economic implications and the life insurance industry's response

Governments must understand & quantify financial impacts of extreme events - Maryam Golnaraghi

Dr Maryam Golnaraghi, Director of Extreme Events and Climate Risk, discusses the new risk assessment guidelines for sovereign risk financing and transfer. Developed in collaboration with the Insurance Development Forum (IDF) on behalf of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

Policyholders no longer rely on insurers for data about their risk - Matt Stack

Matt Stack, Founder and Managing Director, XLP Capital, discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by big data. Recorded at the 11th Chief Investment Officers Meeting at Lloyd's of London.

Watch all video interviews recorded at the 11th Chief Investment Officers Meeting on our YouTube channel.

Recognising the growing risk of inflation is important for investment strategies - Larry Hatheway

Larry Hatheway, Group Head Investment Solutions and Group Chief Economist, GAM, discusses the current macroeconomic climate and how CIOs can build more robust investment portfolios. Recorded at the 11th Chief Investment Officers Meeting at Lloyd's of London.

Watch all video interviews recorded at the 11th Chief Investment Officers Meeting on our YouTube channel.

Chief Investment Officers need to take into account socioeconomic factors - Michael Heise

Michael Heise, Chief Economist, Allianz, discusses macroeconomic trends and current challenges facing Chief Investment Officers. Recorded at the 11th Chief Investment Officers Meeting at Lloyd's of London.

Watch all video interviews recorded at the 11th Chief Investment Officers Meeting on our YouTube channel.

Insurers don't need to shift asset allocation toward new asset classes - Inga Beale

Inga Beale, Chief Executive Officer of Lloyd's, on investment challenges facing the industry, including high asset valuations, and a move into riskier instruments. Recorded at the 11th Chief Investment Officers Meeting at Lloyd's of London.

Watch all video interviews recorded at the 11th Chief Investment Officers Meeting on our YouTube channel.

Animated Infographic: Genetics and Life Insurance - A View Into the Microscope of Regulation

Genetic information is ever more accessible, with direct-to-consumer testing set to grow, yet there is no consistent regulatory approach. Our latest report examines the implications for the insurance industry, and the challenges insurers face.

Read the full report online: Genetics and Life Insurance - A View Into the Microscope of Regulation

Direct-to-consumer genetic tests can cause imbalance of information - Ronald Klein

The implications of genetic testing for the life insurance industry are far reaching and regulation is required to balance information assymmetries, says Ronald Klein, Director of the Global Ageing research programme of The Geneva Association.

Read the full report online: Genetics and Life Insurance - A View Into the Microscope of Regulation

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