Digitalization is widening the role of insurance in society

As the economy becomes more digitalized, the role of insurance in society is changing from one concerned primarily with loss indemnification to a broader advisory service for customers on how to prevent, mitigate and manage their risks.

Also of interest:

Report: Insurance in the Digital Age

Research Brief: Insurance in the Digital Age

Insurance is key to mobilising long-term capital for climate risk-resilient infrastructure

The insurance industry plays a key role in de-risking infrastructure and mobilising long-term private capital to climate risk-resilient projects, agreed a group of decision makers and international experts summoned in Toronto by The Geneva Association.

Also of interest:

Growth of cyber insurance market should not be taken for granted; accumulation risk a key concern

Cyber insurance offerings and premium volumes have expanded sizeably. Keeping up with demand is challenging and sustainable growth in the cyber insurance market should not be taken for granted, as accumulation risks need to be addressed in the context of a hyperconnected digital world.

Also of interest:

Advancing Accumulation Risk Management in Cyber Insurance

Annuitisation as an insurance solution to people outliving their retirement savings

The risk of people outliving their retirement savings represents a threat to their standard of living, meaning many could lapse into poverty; however, the annuitisation of occupational pension assets represents an insurance solution to this societal issue, according to a new study released today by The Geneva Association.

Read the report: Annuitisation: Retirement Income That Lasts a Lifetime

2018 Shin Research Excellence Award Recipients Announced

The Geneva Association and the International Insurance Society (IIS) have announced the 2018 recipient of their collaborative insurance research program, the Shin Research Excellence Awards.

Following a comprehensive review led by The Geneva Association and IIS, a research team of Alexander Bohnert and Albrecht Fritzsche of University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; and Shirley Gregor of Australian National University, will receive the award for their research 'Digital Agendas in the Insurance Industry: The Importance of Comprehensive Approaches'.

Insurance Protection Gaps in Cyber and Healthcare more acute than in Natural Catastrophes

The insurance protection gaps in healthcare and cyber risks are not sufficiently researched even though their respective protection shortfalls are more dramatic than for natural catastrophe risk, according to the study Understanding and addressing global insurance protection gaps released today by The Geneva Association.

Also of interest:

Realising societal benefits of big data and insurance involves competition and privacy trade-offs

The use of big data analytics in insurance offers significant societal benefits, as improved understanding of risks can inform risk reduction and enhance insurability. However, individuals, firms and regulators face complex trade-offs when balancing the benefits and risks of using personal data from digital sources to calculate insurance premiums.

Our new report explores these issues, and aims to contribute to an informed and fact-based regulatory debate on access to and use of data in insurance - find out more at the following links:

Insurance industry taking action in addressing climate change, although hurdles still remain

The insurance industry is contributing significantly to building socio-economic resilience to climate change and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy in their role as risk management experts and investors, although a number of challenges are hindering the industry’s efforts to scale up its contribution, according to a new research report from The Geneva Association, the leading international think tank of the insurance industry.

Prolonged low interest rates a complex but manageable headwind for life insurers

The effects of prolonged low interest rates on life insurers represent a complex but manageable headwind for the industry as it continues to adapt its business model in response, according to a new research report published today by The Geneva Association, the leading international think tank of the insurance industry.

Risk Assessment Guidelines to Support Governments' Risk Financing and Transfer

The Geneva Association, the leading international think tank of the insurance industry, has published in collaboration with the Insurance Development Forum (IDF) the paper Guidelines for Risk Assessment to Support Sovereign Risk Financing and Risk Transfer, which provide governments with a framework for conducting the risk assessment underpinning national risk transfer programmes.

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