Announcing new senior hires, Darren Pain and Jianzhong Yao

ZURICH, 3 December 2020 – The Geneva Association announces two new senior staff members, Darren Pain and Jianzhong Yao, to enhance both the scope and reach of The Geneva Association’s activities. Darren will head the organisation’s newly established Evolving Liability research programme, and Jianzhong has started as The Geneva Association’s key liaison with China.

In the pandemic, insurers can absorb customer health and life claims, but not business losses from lockdown measures

An Investigation into the Insurability of Pandemic Risk

- Life and health risks for pandemics similar to COVID-19 are insurable: they are generally non-systemic and modellable.

- Property & casualty (P&C) insurers, on the other hand, would have to collect business interruption policy premiums for 150 years to make up for projected global output losses in 2020 related to COVID-19.

Better public- and private-sector cooperation urgently needed to manage flood risk

Buiding Flood Resilience in a Changing Climate: Insights from the United States, England and Germany

Series of four reports on flood risk management (FRM) systems in the United States, Germany and England reveal that despite many activities, current approaches do not adequately factor in the changing risk landscape linked to climate change, land-use planning and development practices.

Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award goes to AXA’s Garance Wattez-Richard

Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award presented to AXA’s Garance Wattez-Richard for inclusive insurance initiatives that protect underserved populations

New annual award celebrates women insurance leaders whose work positively impacts society and contributes to making insurance a force for good

Kai-Uwe Schanz Appointed Deputy Managing Director of The Geneva Association

ZURICH, 18 November 2019 – The Geneva Association, the global organisation of insurance and reinsurance Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and leading think tank of the insurance industry, is announcing the appointment of Kai-Uwe Schanz as Deputy Managing Director and Head of Research & Foresight, effective 18 November 2019.

New Geneva Association and IFTRIP task force to address emerging cyber terror risks

The Geneva Association is lauching a joint task force on cyber terrorism and cyber warfare with the International Forum of Terrorism Risk Reinsurance and Insurance Pools (IFTRIP). The special-purpose task force aims to conduct research on cyber terrorism risks across the re/insurance industry. Its initial findings will be published in mid-2020.


2019年ジュネーブ協会エルンスト・マイヤー賞(2019 Geneva Association Ernst Meyer Prize)はゲーテ大学(Goethe University)(フランクフルト)クリスチャン・クビッツァの論文、「金融の安定性と市場に関する小論文(Essays on Financial Stability and Markets)」と、エコール・ポリテクニーク(Ecole Polytechnique)(パリ)アレクシス・ルーアスの論文、「破滅的リスクの保険引受能力(Insurability of Catastrophic Risks)」に授与されました。

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