Financial protection against extreme events not a single sector problem; it's an all-of-society problem | CBC interview

Maryam Golnaraghi, Director Climate Change and Emerging Environmental Topics, recently spoke with Sarah Lawrynuik of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) about insurance responses to extreme weather events:

L'AGEFI: The Geneva Association: Maria d’Hulster nommée secrétaire générale

DATE 03 June 2014 SOURCE L?Agefi RE Election D?Hulster The Geneva Association: Maria d?Hulster nomm?e secr?taire g?n?rale 3 June 2014 Le Think Thank dans les domaines de l??conomie et de l?assurance The Geneva Association a annonc? hier la nomination d?Anna Maria d?Hulster en tant que secr?taire g?n?rale. Cette derni?re a occup? de nombreux postes de direction dans le domaine de l?assurance. Elle rejoint The Geneva Association en tant que CFO et membre du comit? de direction du groupe SwissQuant ? Zurich depuis 2013. Elle a d?clar? dans le communiqu?: ?

Versicherungswirtschaft Heute: Geneva Association mit neuer Generalsekretärin

DATE 03 June 2014 SOURCE Versicherungswirtschaft Heute RE Election D?Hulster Geneva Association mit neuer Generalsekret?rin 03.06.2014 Eines der f?hrenden Think Tanks f?r die Versicherungswirtschaft, die Geneva Association mit Sitz in Genf, meldet die Berufung von Maria D?Hulster als neu bestellte Generalsekret?rin und Managing Director der Institution. Nach einer ganzen Reihe verschiedener Funktionen in F?hrungsgremien, u.a. bei der Baloise Group, der Boston Consulting Group an den Standorten D und US, war D?Hulster seit 2013 Finanzvorstand bei der SwissQuant Group.

Fact Sheet: The Public Pensions Crisis in the U.S.

The threat of bankruptcy or other type of fiscal disruption

State and local retirement systems in the U.S. face a shortfall of more than a trillion dollars. The majority of states (34) have pension funding levels below 80 per cent. The states with the worst pension funding situation are  Connecticut, Ilinois, Kentucky and Rhode Island, all below 55 per cent. This situation threatens the financial viability of many municipalities, with Detroit already declared bankrupt in 2013.

Policy choices and fiscal discipline

Geneva Association CEOs Reaffirm Commitment on Climate Risks

As global leaders gather in Paris to forge a landmark global agreement on climate change, the (re)insurance industry is more committed than eber to playing an instrumental role in implementing the objectives to manager and reduce the risks associated with our changing climate. Today the Climate Risk Statement of The Geneva Association underlines the commitment of 68 leaders of the global (re)insurance industry, who collectively represent US$1.2 trillion of premium volume and manage total assets of more than US$11 trillion. 

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