Insurance Business: The Geneva Association highlights the role of collaboration between cyber insurers

When it comes to insuring cyber risks, what is categorised as cyber and what the insurance market covers and faces in terms of risk and opportunities is changing at lightning speed, making collaboration increasingly important.

Cross-sectoral collaboration on cyber also promotes a better understanding of cyber by insurers, with benefits for the industry and society alike.

Insurance Business discussed the role of collaboration in cyber insurance, and the GA's initiatives to drive cooperation, with Rachel Anne Carter, Director Cyber.

New Geneva Association and IFTRIP task force to address emerging cyber terror risks

The Geneva Association is lauching a joint task force on cyber terrorism and cyber warfare with the International Forum of Terrorism Risk Reinsurance and Insurance Pools (IFTRIP). The special-purpose task force aims to conduct research on cyber terrorism risks across the re/insurance industry. Its initial findings will be published in mid-2020.

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