In Memoriam: Hans Peter Boller

Article from Risk Management No. 55.

No. 55 , February 2015 In Memoria m: Hans Peter Bo ller By Bruno Porro+ Peter studied industrial economics (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen ) at the University of Karlsruhe, specialising in insurance. In 1995 he passed his PhD exams with Prof. Ch ristian Hipp on the application of finance theory to (re)insurance. While working on his PhD, he started his professional career as a consultant with Tillinghast in London. Later he moved to the Cologne office, where he was responsible for launching the cl aims consulting initiatives. In 1999, he moved to Z urich and joined Zurich Financial Services with the responsibility for in - and outwards reinsurance. When Zurich put its reinsurance activities on the market through an IPO, Peter became the chief actuary of Converium for non U.S. business. In 2003 , he was promoted to the position of Chief Risk Officer, joined the Group Board and became responsible for risk management and actuarial work. In 2007 , he was co -founder and managing partner with Secquaero, a company specialised in consulting (re)insurance companies for implementation of (internal) risk models and helping them to get approval from supervisory authorities. In parallel to his company work, Peter was a long -time member of the German Actuarial Associat ion (DAV), where he specialised in all issues related to insurance claims. For more than 10 years, he engaged in international projects, for instance , as founding chairman of the IAA subcommittee on reinsurance, as co -author of the so called Blue Book (A Global Framework for Insurer Solvency Assessment, 2004). He was a qualified actuary in Germany and Switzerland, and Chairman of ASTIN ( Non-life section of the IAA). He also was a founding member of the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) Forum and actively participate d in the Annual Round Table of Chief Risk Officers (ART of CROs) of T he Geneva Association, as well as the CRO Academy. Peter was an outstanding professional and , at the same time , an invaluable friend, always supporting initiatives and sharing his experie nce, spanning more than 25 years in consulting, research and management. He died unexpectedly at the age of 52 on 6 November 2014. Our deepest sympathy go es to his wife Anja and th eir three children. + Former CRO of SwissRe and Chairman of the ART of CROs .