Anchoring Climate Change Risk Assessment in Core Business Decisions in Insurance | Webinar recording

Watch a #RiskConversations webinar on our report, Anchoring Climate Change Risk Assessment in Core Business Decisions in Insurance, which provides guidance to re/insurers on how to produce forward-looking climate change risk information to support decision-making. 

Financial Wellbeing: Is it the key to reinventing life insurance? | Webinar recording

This webinar is centred around the key findings of The Geneva Association’s latest report Financial Wellbeing: Is it the key to reinventing life insurance? and learn how the insurance industry, as well as providers beyond it, are innovating to support more secure, healthy and productive lives over longer life spans.

Cyber Terror and Cyber War: Strengthening insurability through clarity and partnerships | Webinar recording

The cyber landscape is evolving rapidly, with digitalisation expanding the range of threats and vulnerabilities. This process is amplified by shifts in working and business practices brought on by COVID-19, some of which are likely to persist. Ransomware and supply chain attacks in particular have become more prolific since the onset of the pandemic and with them wider recognition of the potential for large-scale economic disruption from malicious cyber incidents.

Future Urban Risk Landscapes and the Role of Insurance | Webinar recording

The world’s population is growing, and that growth is essentially centred in cities. Though they bring huge economic and social benefits, cities are also exposed to an exponential rise in risks: climate change threatens to bring more extreme weather events; human density accelerates the speed at which infectious diseases spread; and social inequality can exacerbate the risks of social unrest and crime. How will cities cope with this evolving risk landscape and how can insurers contribute to managing future urban risks?

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